I am living here in Baton Rouge and I would just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help that several Chabad from Houston have given us here after Katrina. I am originally from Houston and to see many familiar faces here in Louisiana just makes my heart sing.
Thank you from me and my husband.
Hi Danny,
I hear from Rivka that you are doing incredible work. Yashar Koach!
Thank you,
Michal, Stamford, CT
May Hashem bless all of you with the strength to continue your efforts for the displaced
Miriam, Northern Indiana
Dear Daniel Gavin,
Thank you for your hospitality. It is greatly appriciated at this time. My family would like to meet with you when you are able.
[A New Orleans Evacuee]
SHALOM to Daniel.
Thank you very much for taking some time and help to the others.
This is a really big ''Mitzva'' to us, the broken souls after this disaster.
[A New Orleans Evacuee]
The Rabbi of my shul (Rabbi Fox) and the other members of my community who visited were extremely impressed with the work you have been doing and he spoke specifically about you and your work this week in our shul and encouraged everyone to do what they could to support the work of Chabad in aiding the community of New Orleans.
Jay, Englewood, NJ
Thank you for the inspiring update! Tizku l'mitzvos!
Michael - NYC, NY
Dear Danny,
I am overwhelmed by the care, kindness and love that has been shown by all of you here in Houston to the New Orleans families.
Zelig and I moved into our apartment last night. It was like a treasure hunt. As I opened cabinets and drawers and closets,all kinds of thoughtful surprises awaited us. The comfortable,brand new beds felt just like home. Linens, towels, pillows, blankets were available as needed. Toiletries, basic foods for meal preparation allowed us to sit in our completely kashered kitchen and have a simple meal together. There is an entire side room filled with food and supplies as more families arrive.
The [...] family came 7:30 last night, exhausted from their long drive. [...] was so emotional as she expressed her surprise and appreciation at how beautifully every little detail was thought of for their family.
"Mayim Rabim lo yichbu es ha'ahava..." Many waters cannot wash away the Ahavas Yisroel that Jews have shown to their broth! ers and sisters. This experience has re inspired me to be more conscious of making Ahavas Yisroel the compass that guides every decision.
As time goes on ,I would appreciate a list of your volunteers and friend who worked to create a home away from home for all of us. Meanwhile,until I get the List and the supplies to write thank you letters, please pass on this email to all concerned.
Wishing all of you a sweet,good year and may Hashem bless y'all that you should always be able to give, not to receive.
Bluma Rivkin, New Orleans, LA (Currently Houston)
Wonderful, thanks for the update. Chabad is incredible!!
Michael, Houston, TX