
MKT Kashrus Alerts, Annoucements & Updates

Kosher Bite - No longer certified kosher


Kosher Bite- Formerly My Pita

Per the Owners request:

At the owners sole discretion, effective Immediately, Kosher Bite is NO Longer HKA or MKT Certified as Kosher.

UPDATE: Randalls Breads - Dairy Oven

HKA has informed MKT that Randalls Meyer Park Pareve oven was fixed yesterday. In keeping with MKT's policies, MKT has determined that all breads baked and labeled as packed from today on, Thursday, May 31, can be purchased as Pareve without any questions.

ALERT: Randalls Breads - Dairy Oven

Kashrus Alert

The pareve oven at Randalls Meyer Park went down this morning, Tuesday, May 29. Any pareve items baked in Randalls since then may have been baked in the dairy oven.

Please be advised to refrain from buying any breads or pareve items from Randalls Meyer Park until further notice.

Any Pareve bakery products bought on Monday or earlier were indeed baked in the Pareve oven.

Shavuos Kashrus Alert

Please be aware that Challah and Pita at My Pita & Sabas are made in Pareve equipment and are the only products prepared as completely Pareve. All other products at My Pita should not be served together with a dairy meal and all other products at Sabas that should not be served together with a meat meal.

At this time we would also like to remind you that MKT certification of establishments only includes prepared foods, not packaged foods sold at the establishment.

Post Pesach Chametz Purchasing

2015 Post Pesach Chametz Alert

It is prohibited to buy chametz from a store owned by a Jew who did not observe the prohibition against possessing chametz on Pesach. 

All MKT certified or accepted establishments (as listed on sold their Chametz for Pesach or are not owned by Jews. 

To the best of our knowedge the following stores carry many kosher Chametz items and one is permitted to purchase all chametz from them:

PERMITTED: 99¢ Only Stores, Costco, CVS, Dollar Tree, Food Town, HEB, Krogers, Randalls, Restaraunt Depot, Sam's Club, Target, Walgreens, Whole Foods & Walmart

As far as MKT is advised, the following local stores are owned by Jews and one should refrain from purchasing general real Chametz items for a period of 30 days from the following stores:

REFRAIN: Belden's*, Fiesta & Rice Epicurean.

*NOTE: Belden's did have a Sale of Chametz that can be relied on only for the Kosher food department, i.e. Kosher Frozen Pizza or Paskesz Cookies, but, not for the kosher products in the general food department, i.e. Cheerios or Pasta.

Checked Lettuce for Pesach - Kosher Green Delights

Kashrus Annoucement 

We are pleased to inform you that Kosher Green Delights is under the certification of Mehadrin Kashrus of Texas.

They produce Romaine Lettuce Hearts individually checked for bugs with a light box under MKT Hashgacha for Passover and all year round.

2 heads for $8.00, 4 heads for $15.00 - Minimum order of 8 heads of lettuce

Orders for Passover are due by Friday March 27

For more information please contact Ofir Azran 513.601.5310 or via email at [email protected]

UPDATE: Randalls Pas Yisroel

All MKT certified establishments are pas yisroel. Randalls Meyer Park PAREVE Bakery is MKT accepted and is also pas yisroel, including the PAREVE round, sheet and birthday cakes.

However, the following items that are kosher pareve are NOT pas yisroel.

  • Rustic Artisan French Bread Baguette 
  • Sprouted Grain Dinner Bread and Rolls 
  • Pareve Pretzel Buns 

Pas Yisroel Alert

 Pas Yisroel Alert

All MKT certified establishments are pas yisroel all year round. Randalls Meyer Park Pareve Bakery is MKT accepted and is also pas yisroel, besides for the following items that are kosher pareve, but, NOT pas yisroel.

  • Pareve Sheet Cakes
  • Pareve Birthday cakes 
  • Rustic Artisan Baguette 

Many have the custom to keep pas Yisroel year round. During the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah people are more strict than the rest of the year and eat only baked goods produced with a Jew involved in the baking process (pas Yisrael), even if during the rest of the year they eat any kosher baked goods (pas paltar). 

Post Pesach Chametz Alert

It is prohibited to buy chametz from a store owned by a Jew who did not observe the prohibition against possessing chametz on Pesach. 

All MKT certified or accepted establishments (as listed on sold their Chametz for Pesach or are not owned by Jews. 

To the best of our knowedge the following stores carry many kosher Chametz items and one is permitted to purchase all chametz from them:

PERMITTED: Costco, CVS, Dollar Tree, HEB, Krogers, Randalls, Sam's Club, Target, Walgreens Whole Foods & Walmart

As far as MKT is advised, the following stores are owned by Jews and one should refrain from purchasing general real Chametz items for a period of 30 days from the following stores:

REFRAIN: Belden's*, Rice Epicurean, Fiesta, Foodtown and 99¢ Only Stores. 

*NOTE: Belden's did have a Sale of Chametz that can be relied on only for the Kosher food department, i.e. Kosher Frozen Pizza or Paskesz Cookies, but, not for the kosher products in the general food department, i.e. Cheerios or Pasta.

Andalucia Nuts - No longer certified

Please be informed that effective immediately MKT no longer certifies Andalucia Nuts.

UPDATE: Randalls Breads - Dairy Oven

Kashrus Update

The Randalls Meyer Park pareve oven was fixed yesterday. All breads baked from today on, Tuesday, April 24, can be purchased as pareve without any questions.

ALERT: Randalls Breads - Dairy Oven

Kashrus Alert

The pareve oven at Randalls Meyer Park went down this morning, Monday, April 23. Any breads baked in Randalls since then may have been baked in the dairy oven. 

Please be advised to refrain from buying any breads from Randalls Meyer Park until further notice.

Any Pareve bakery products bought on Sunday or earlier were indeed baked in the Pareve oven.

Post Pesach Chametz Alert

Post Pesach Chametz Alert

It is prohibited to buy chametz from a store owned by a Jew who did not observe the prohibition against possessing chametz on Pesach.

All MKT certified or accepted establishments (as listed on sold their Chametz for Pesach or are not owned by Jews.

To the best of our knowedge the following stores carry many kosher Chametz items and one is permitted to purchase all chametz from them:

PERMITTED: Costco, CVS, Dollar Tree, HEB, Krogers, Randalls, Sam's Club, Target, Walgreens Whole Foods & Walmart

As far as MKT is advised, the following stores are owned by Jews and one should refrain from purchasing general Chametz items for a period of 30 days from the following stores:

REFRAIN: Belden's*, Rice Epicurean, Fiesta, and 99¢ Only Stores.

*NOTE: Belden's did have a Sale of Chametz that can be relied on only for the Kosher food department, i.e. Kosher Frozen Pizza or Paskesz Cookies, but, not for the kosher products in the general food department, i.e. Cheerios or Pasta.

UPDATE: Randalls Bread - Dairy Oven

Kashrus Update

The Randalls Meyer Park pareve oven was fixed today. All breads baked from tomorrow on, Monday, January 23, can be purchased as pareve without any questions.

The pareve oven went down on Saturday. Any breads baked in Randalls since then were baked in the dairy oven.

In response for various inquiries, MKT follows the halachic position that non-Chalav Yisrael is "issur", therefore the degree of kosher impact on the breads raises serious concern to use it as pareve, since the rules of "nat bar nat" do not apply in this instance.


Randalls Breads - Dairy Oven

Kashrus Alert 

The pareve oven at Randalls Meyer Park went down on Saturday. Any breads baked in Randalls since then were baked in the dairy oven. By Jewish Law, bread that is dairy is not kosher.

Please be advised not be buy any breads from Randalls Meyer Park until further notice.

Any Pareve bakery products bought on Friday were indeed Pareve. 

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