
Community Bulletin

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Condolences Grosman Family


The Torah Day School community extends heartfelt condolences to

Eddie and Sharon Grosman

and the Grosman and Borger families 

on the passing of her father

Dr. Jules Borger z'l 

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.

Mazal Tov Kupfer Family


The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School Communities wish a heartfelt Mazal Tov to

Morris and Debbie Kupfer 

and the entire Kupfer family

on the birth of a baby boy.

May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.

Condolences Cin Family


The Chabad Lubavitch community extends heartfelt condolences to

Elliot and Holly Cin

and the entire Cin family 

on the passing of his father

Simon Cin z'l 

The funeral took place on September 13 in Chicago.
Shiva will also take place in Chicago.

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.

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