The Chabad Lubavitch Community extends heartfelt condolences to
Yochanan Ellis and Sara Chana, Chaim, Esther, Chaya Mushka, Raizel and Devorah Gerlitz
on the passing of
Naomi Gerlitz A"H,
Naomi A"H bas Eliezer Dovid.
The Chabad Lubavitch Community extends heartfelt condolences to
Yochanan Ellis and Sara Chana, Chaim, Esther, Chaya Mushka, Raizel and Devorah Gerlitz
on the passing of
Naomi Gerlitz A"H,
Naomi A"H bas Eliezer Dovid.
The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School Communities wish a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Grandparents Tzvi and Shoshana Isaacson
and their bas bayis and son-in-law
Yaakov and Amanda Boxenbaum
on the birth of a baby boy.
May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.
The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School Communities wish a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Levi and Chana Leah Hoch
Grandparents Leland and Judy Lapine
on the birth of a baby boy.
May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.