The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School of Houston Communities
wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov
to Richard and Judy Abrams
on the birth of a grandson.
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.
The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School of Houston Communities
wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov
to Richard and Judy Abrams
on the birth of a grandson.
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.
The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School of Houston Communities
wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov
to Lee and Rachel Gross
and grandmother Mindy Kronman
on the birth of a baby boy
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.
The Chabad Lubavitch Community
extends its heartfelt condolences to
Mindy Spector Kronman
on the passing of her father
Levi Spector (Levi Israel ben Miriam v'Eliezer) obm.
The funeral will be held at Shalom Memorial Cemetery in Arlington Heights, Chicago, Illinois on Friday, May 26, at 10:00 am.
Shiva in Houston will begin Saturday evening after Shabbos. Sunday hours: 4-7pm, Monday hours: 4-7pm, Tuesday hours: 2-5.
The Chabad Lubavitch Community wishes a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Chezky & Devorah Leah Binkowitz
on the birth of a baby boy!
May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.
The Chabad Lubavitch Community
extends its heartfelt condolences to
Arthur and Sharon Taitel and family
on the passing of his sister
Shirley Stern obm.
The funeral will be held at Beth Yeshurun Cemetery Post Oak on Friday at 2:00 pm.
The Chabad Lubavitch Community wishes a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Saadya and Chaya Sara Kaufmann and family
on the birth of a baby boy!
May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.