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Mazal Tov - Fishman

 The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School of Houston Communities 

wish a heartfelt 

Mazel tov 

Dr. & Mrs. Irving & Miriam Fishman on the birth of a grandson to Yitzchok & Rivka (Fishman) Levin of Montreal



Mazal Tov to Traxler - Illulian Families


Mazal Tov


Mrs. Devorah Leah (Traxler) Illulian and Rabbi Levi Illulian
on the birth of a baby girl in Los Angeles.  

and to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Moishe & Shoshana Traxler and
Rabbi & Mrs. Hertzel and Rachel Illulian  and the Traxler & Illulian Families. 

Mazal Tov to Traxler - Illulian Families


Mazal Tov


Mrs. Devorah Leah (Traxler) Illulian and Rabbi Levi Illulian
on the birth of a baby girl in Los Angeles.  

and to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Moishe & Shoshana Traxler and
Rabbi & Mrs. Hertzel and Rachel Illulian  and the Traxler & Illulian Families. 
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