The Chabad Lubavitch Community of Houston and Torah Day School
wish a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Chani Jalusi Skura and Michel Skura
on the birth of a daughter.
May we share collectively in our happiness.
The Chabad Lubavitch Community of Houston and Torah Day School
wish a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Chani Jalusi Skura and Michel Skura
on the birth of a daughter.
May we share collectively in our happiness.
The Chabad Lubavitch Center and Torah Day School of Houston
wish a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Ben & Miriam Cotlar
on the birth of a son
And to grandparents Dr. Dovid & Bayla Cotlar and all the Cotlar Family
May we continue to share in joyful occasions together
The Chabad Lubavitch Community of Houston
wishes a heartfelt Mazal Tov to
Shmuli & Nechama Slonim
on the birth of a baby girl
Mazal Tov to
Grandparents Eliezer & Rochel Lazaroff,
Great grandparents Shimin & Chiena Lazaroff
and the whole Lazaroff family