The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to
Allan and Joyce Camhi
on the birth of a boy!
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.
The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to
Allan and Joyce Camhi
on the birth of a boy!
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.
With profound sadness we inform you of the
passing of Sara Rivka Mendelson, a"h,
mother of Chaya Feigenson.
The funeral was held in Israel and shiva will be observed until Friday morning.
Shiva calls made me made to 011-972-8-923-3422.
Please remember the time difference is 8 hours ahead of Houston time.
May we only share simchas.
Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.
With profound sadness we inform you of the
passing of Mark Pesochinsky, a"h,
father of Masha Fink and grandfather of Benjamin Shlyapobersky, sheyichyu.
The funeral will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 1 pm,
at the Beth Yeshurun Cemtary-Post Oak at 1037 N Post Oak Lane
May we only share simchas.
Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.
The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to
Elliott and Ruthy (Amber) Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Sam and Michelle Amber
on the birth of a son and grandson!
Mazal Tov to the entire Amber Family!
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.
The Chabad community extends its sincere condolences to
Ahuva Hering
upon the passing of her brother on Zayin Elul
Dov ben Avraham Yitzchok of blessed memory
Ahuva is sitting shiva in Israel
May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn
Zion and Jerusalem