
Community Bulletin

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Mazal Tov Traxler Family

The Chabad community extends its hearty Mazal Tov to

Rabbi Moshie and Shoshana Traxler and family
on the engagment of their son

 Zalman Shimon to Chana Benhiyoun, 
Chicago, IL 

May we share only Simchos! 

Funeral TODAY; Cotlar



Baruch Dayan Emes.

With profound sadness and pain we inform you of the untimely
passing of Menachem Mendel a"h ben,
for many long and healthy years,
Daniel sheyichye Cotlar.

Son, grandson and brother of Daniel and Eta Cotlar,
David and Bayla Cotlar, 
and the entire Cotlar family.

The funeral procession will pass TODAY at Chabad Lubavitch Center/Torah Day School at 4:15 pm and will proceed from there to Beth Jacob Cemetary at HWY 288 and Almeda Genoa.

Shiva will be held at Daniel and Eta Cotlar's home,
7907 Candle Lane, 
beginning with Mincha and Maariv today at 6:45 pm.
Visiting hours until 10 pm tonight. 
Tomorrow, Shacharis at 8 am. 
Visiting hours all day until Mincha at 4 pm, when Shiva concludes.

May we only share simchas.



Mazal Tov - Goldstein


The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to   

Rabbi Dovid and Elisa Goldstein
on the birth of a girl!  

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.

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