
Community Bulletin

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Condolences & Funeral Info - Skolkin

 The Chabad community extends its sincere condolences to the Skolkin, Harwood and Cotlar Families
upon the passing of

Holly Harwood Skolkin of blessed memory

The funeral service will be held tomorrow, Sunday, February 12, 
with a burial service at 4:30 pm
at Beth Yeshurun Post Oak Cemetary


1. Take West Loop 610 North 
2. Exit Woodway/Memorial, then continue in center lane 
3. At Memorial Drive, turn left 
4. Turn right onto North Post Oak 
5. Continue north over I-10/Katy Freeway 
6. Cemetery is on the left

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.

Make a donation in memory > 

Mazel Tov TurJman Family

The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to

Lior and Yehudit TurJman

on the birth of a baby girl,

Rivka Bracha

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families 
and share happy occasions together

Mazel Tov Ciment Family


The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to

Yakov and Leah Rochel Ciment

on the birth of a baby boy!

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families 
and share happy occasions together

Mazel Tov Gross and Kronman Families

The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to

Lee and Rachel (TDS '97) Gross

and to the grandmother 
Mindy Kronman

on the birth of triplets! (2 boys and 1 girl)

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families 
and share happy occasions together

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