
Community Bulletin

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Mazel Tov Gavin Family

The Chabad community extends its hearty Mazel Tov to Brian and Dana Gavin and the entire Gavin family upon the engagement of

Esti Gavin to Zalman Lazarus from Cape Town, South Africa/Las Vegas!

May we share only Simchas.



Condolences Hampel Family


The Chabad community extends its condolences to the

Hampel family on the passing of

the maternal grandfather of Mrs. Daniella Hampel

He passed away during the last days of Pesach.

The funeral will be held today in New Jersey

May we share only Simchas.

Hamakom yenachem etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei tzion v'yerushalayim  


Mazel Tov Rivkins / Lazaroffs!

The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to Hersh Meilech and Chassi Rivkin and grandparents, Rabbi Shimon & Chiena Lazaroff and the entire Lazaroff family upon the birth of a son and grandson!

Mazel Tov Lazaroffs!

The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to Rabbi Chaim & Chanie Lazaroff and grandparents, Rabbi Shimon & Chiena Lazaroff and the entire Lazaroff family upon the birth of a daughter and granddaughter!
May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.

Gracious donor shows Shluchim appreciation for Pesach with $300

Pesach is always a challenging time of the year in the life of a Chabad Lubavitch shliach. Not only with the preparations, but, also the incurring of expenses that come along with the preparing or travelling associated with the Yom Tov.

To lighten this burden, Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff, Head Shliach to the State of Texas, was pleased to distribute a check in the amount of $300 this week. This small token of appreciation to all Shluchim in the State of Texas is intended for the Shluchim’s personal Pesach use, sent on behalf of a gracious donor inspired by their holy work and selfless dedication.

EVENT: Conclusion of Rambam Study & 11 Nissan

siyum harambam 5771 and 11 Nissan Farbrengen (2).jpg

Condolences - Baryam Family

The Chabad community extends its condolences to the

Baryam family on the passing of

Tzipora bat Pinchas

mother of Kobi Baryam

He will be sitting Shiva in Israel through Friday, April 8th

You may contact Kobi Baryam by phone at 0-50-894-7277 or

by e-mail at [email protected]

May we share only Simchas.

Hamakom yenachem etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei tzion v'yerushalayim  

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