
Community Bulletin

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Condolences - Weiner Family


The Chabad community extends its condolences to the family of

Raizel Neche bas Avraham , o"h.

She was the mother of Paula Kelman, Devorah Lerner (Oak Park MI)
and Avi Weiner.

Graveside services Thursday 4:30pm at Beth Jacob Cemetery

May we share only Simchas.

Hamakom yenachem etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei tzion v'yerushalayim  


Mazel Tov Goldings

The Chabad community wishes
a hearty mazel tov to
Peretz and Nechama Golding

and to grandmother,
Masha Golding
upon the birth of a
daughter and granddaughter!

Mazel Tov Shylapobersky

The Chabad community wishes
a hearty mazel tov to
Benjamin and Rivky Shylapobersky

and grandparents,
David and Masha Fink
upon the birth of a
daughter and granddaughter!

Mazel Tov Cotlars

The Chabad community extends its hearty Mazel Tov to Dr. David and Bayla Cotlar and the entire Cotlar family upon the engagement of Ben Cotlar to Miriam Peyson of Chicago!

May we share only Simchas.


Condolences - Kronman

The Chabad community extends its condolences to the Kronman family upon the passing of their father and grandfather Avraham Yoel (Albert) ben Shmuel Kronman, A"H.

The funeral will take place in New Jersey on Sunday.

May we only share Simchas.

Hamakom yenachem etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei tzion v'yerushalayim  

Mazel Tov Baryam/Rosenzweig

The Chabad community wishes
a hearty mazel tov to
Joe and Noa (TDS '99) Rosenzweig

and grandparents,
Kobi and Yaffa Baryam
upon the birth of a
daughter and granddaughter!

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