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Rabbi Yossi Paltiel Shabbaton




Please join us August 6-7  
  a Shabbaton with Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
a noted educator and lecturer from New York 

כ”ז Av, Shabbos Mevorchim Elul - Parshas Re'eh
Chabad Lubavitch Center - 10900 Fondren Road 

Friday night candle lighting - 7:53 pm
Kabalas Shabbos davening at Shul 8:00 pm
followed by a brief lecture on Elul & Teshuvah
Enjoy Shabbos dinner at your home/host family

Shabbos Shachris davening begins - 10:00 am
Shabbos lecture before Mussaf
Suedas Shabbos washing Fleishig Kiddush and Farbrengen

Mincha 7:50 pm
Between Mincha and Maariv -
  Chassidic Discourse

Melave Malka Saturday night
9:30 pm for women only at the home of Gila Barnett- 7826 Candle Lane
(dairy will be served)
Lecture: Preparing for Rosh Hashanah without neglecting yourself

The Shabbaton is partially sponsored by
The Pershell Family in honor of Josh's Bar Mitzvah & the community
The Nelkin Family

RSVP to Michele Amber at 713-729-7097 or email Michele.

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