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Dishes Mikveh Now Open!


~ Mikveh Taharas Yisroel ~

is pleased to announce the first 



The new Keilim Mikveh makes the toveling of dishes at counter height a pleasure.Keilim Mikveh.JPG

*Drive your car right up to the mikveh, unload your keilim (dishes, glasses, etc.) and you are ready!

The fee to access the Keilim Mikveh is $3.00 per visit or you may order an access card that allows you unlimited daytime access to the Keilim Mikveh for a nominal annual fee of $18.00.   

If you are interested in ordering a card or adding Keilim Mikveh access to your
MTY access card, please check the appropriate box on the Mikveh Payment Form & pay the correct fee or mail a check for $18 to Mikveh Taharas Yisroel, 10900 Fondren Rd, Houston TX 77096.  Please note on the check "Dishes Mikveh Card".

*If you do not have an access card, to gain access to the parking lot, you must call the office from the entry gate by dialing #-0-1. Park your vehicle and go to the Shul office to pay the fee and have someone open the Dishes Mikveh for you.
*Please note 
Torah Day School carpool hours are Monday-Friday 2:10-2:30 & 3:30-4:00 pm.

***Donate to the Mikveh Taharas Yisroel Building Campaign***

Maps & Directions

New Feature: Passover Greeting Cards has launched a new Passover Greeting cards section. Choose from our selection of cards and personalize it. Then upload your contacts from Outlook, Gmail, or many other popular email programs—and with once click send to ALL your family and friends.

Click here to send a Passover greeting card.

Blessing of the Sun Ceremonies Around the World

Once in Twenty Eight Year Mitzvah to be Broadcast Live!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 7 and 8, watch live broadcasts of "Birkat Hachamah" ceremonies being held around the world.

Follow the sun as it travels through the following time zones: New Zealand, Australia, Jerusalem, England, New York, Colorado and Hawaii.

Click here for a complete schedule.

There will also be a live feed from the Western Wall in Jerusalem for the entire 24 hour period.

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