Dinner Committee in Formation

The Chabad Lubavitch Center Dedication Dinner plans are in full swing and the planning committee is in formation. As a community celebration for the multi-faceted center, Chabad is looking to expand the hosts, talent and spirit of the dinner committee members. Please let Rabbi Chaim know how you would like to get involved at
[email protected]!
Yoel Sharabi, Master of Modern Israeli & Chassidic Music to Entertain at the Chabad Lubavitch Center Dedication Dinner

Yoel Sharabi, a native Sabra, has captivated his audiences with his wide repertoire and his dynamic style.
He is a master of Modern Israeli, Classic Yemenite, and popular Chassidic melodies. Yoel delivers his songs in a variety of languages and styles. His charisma brings an excitement to his music that is hard to contain.
In concert halls and on stages throughout the world, Yoel's performances have brought an enthusiasm that is unparalleled.
Along with his singing, Yoel is an accomplished musician. He is a skilled guitarist and can hammer out an intricate tune on a Dumbek. Yoel is most widely known for his simultaneous playing of two flutes in perfect harmony, which has been called "magica". More info at
And now we will have him for you!
We hope you will join us for our dedication dinner, to pay tribute to these individuals and partake in this historic event. Please save the date on your calendar. Details are listed below.
Chabad Lubavitch Center Dedication Dinner
To be held Sunday evening,
December 6, 2009 | Yud Tes Kislev, 5770
5:30 pm Reception and Dinner
at the
Chabad Lubavitch Center Campus
10900 Fondren Road
Houston, Texas 77096
Honor a loved one in perpetuity with a tribute or memorial. They will serve through the years as an inspiration to us and to future generations. www.chabadtexas.org/donate