Sharing the content on with your circle of family and acquaintances has never been simpler. This past week, our programmers added a "Share" button to the top of every article on our site. With the click of the button you will be able to share articles with your friends using eighteen sites, such as Facebook, MySpace,, StumbleUpon and more.
Make your personal page an epicenter of holiness whose rippling waves affect your friends, their friends, the country, the world, and the cosmos...
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Download Candle Lighting Times in iCal Format
A new tool has been added to our Candle Lighting section that allows users to download their candle lighting times in iCal format which is compatible with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and much more.
Users can download up to a year of Shabbat and Holiday start and end times at a time using this feature and easily upload it to their personal Google Calendar.
You can find this new feature, among our other Candle Lighting gadgets below the candle lighting times result page.
Click here to visit the candle lighting section.
Users can download up to a year of Shabbat and Holiday start and end times at a time using this feature and easily upload it to their personal Google Calendar.
You can find this new feature, among our other Candle Lighting gadgets below the candle lighting times result page.
Click here to visit the candle lighting section.
Shabbos Chazon & Tisha B'Av Schedule
* Perhaps print and hang on your refrigerator *
Shabbos Chazon & Tisha B'Av Schedule
- Visit for guides, calendar, times, insights, multimedia and more.
- For more laws and customs of Tisha Bav click here.
In the unfortunate case that Moshiach is not here yet, please note the following schedule:
Friday, August 8:
Candle Lighting: 7:51 pm
Mincha & Kabbolas Shabbos: 8:00 pm
Shabbos, August 9:
Shiur Chassidus: 8:55 am
Shacharis: 10:00 am
- 1:27 pm: Mourning practices--such as refraining from Torah study other than texts related to the events and nature of the fast day--are observed beginning from midday today.
Mincha Option #1: 2:00 pm
Mincha Option #2: 7:50 pm
- On Shabbos afternoon one must finish eating before sunset (8:08 pm).
- As it is Shabbos, One may eat whatever they wish, including meat and wine.
- We do not eat the egg and bread dipped in ashes as on Shabbos we may not observe mourning customs.
Fast Begins: 8:08 pm
Shabbos Ends: 8:46 pm
- During Maariv we include the usual insertion of "Ata Chonantanu".
- Those who do not daven Maariv should recite: "Baruch haMavdil ben Kodesh leChol"
- Change from leather shoes.
- Havdalah is not recited, but one lights an havdalla candle and says Bore Me'orei Haesh.
Maariv & Eicha: 9:00 pm
- Those coming after Shabbos to Shul from home, may change to weekday clothes AFTER Shabbos ends (8:46 pm). Those already in Shul from Shabbos, will only remove their Shoes after Borchu of Maariv.
- We abstain from eating and drinking, bathing, the wearing of leather footwear, and marital relations--for the night and day of Av 9 (i.e., from sundown on Av 8 to nightfall on Av 9).
- It is customary to sit on the floor or a low seat until after mid-day on Sunday (1:27 pm).
- Torah study is restricted to laws of mourning, passages describing the destruction of the Temple, and the like.
- The tefillin are worn only during the afternoon Minchah prayers.
Sunday, August 10:
- Wash hands only until knuckles
Shacharis & Kinus: 8:00 am
Teffilin & Mincha: 7:00 pm
Fast Ends, Maariv: 8:32 pm
- The full Havdalah (on wine) is recited at the conclusion of the fast, however the brochos of fire (Bore Me'orei Haesh) and spices (Bore Minei Besamim) are omitted.
- Ritually wash hands (without brocha) followed by Kiddush Levana.
- One should refrain from eating meat, drinking wine (other than havdalla), bathing, or cutting one's hair until midday (1:27 pm) on the tenth of Av.
When the well known halachic authority, Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, wrote his work on the Three Weeks, called Nit'ei Gavriel, he showed a copy to the Rebbe and asked for his blessing on it. The Rebbe blessed him and noted that the most important Halachah of the Three Weeks and the Nine Days is the obligation to not only nullify (make Batel) this mourning period, but to actually convert these days into days of joy and celebration - through bringing Moshiach to rebuild the Third Temple. (Likutei Sichot vol. 33, p. 297)
New Divorce Section has rolled out a new section devoted to Jewish divorce. Though a painful subject to cover, unfortunately divorces do occur, and this section provides guidance and insight for people undergoing this painful process.
This section covers the basics of the divorce ceremony as well as in-depth study of the various issues involved. It also supplies insight as to the Jewish approach to divorce, and exactly when it is called for.
Also contained in this section is a section of readings and essays on divorce, and a comprehensive article on the tragic agunah issue.
Click here to view the new Divorce section.
Itche Kadoozy Show Launches the Parsha Challenge
What can a disgruntled seventh grade teacher learn
from Moses? What do stickers have to do with the Israelites?
How do you get a puppet to draw pictures? Ever asked these questions? You will
after you play the Parshah Challenge. So put on your thinking-kippa and get your finger on the buzzer for the
Ultimate game of Jewish Knowledge/Puppet antics.
Rabbi Itche Kadoozy and his wacky neighbor Jonathan Weinsteinstein are proud to announce the launch of their brand new interactive weekly game show. Through the simple mis-use of complicated question generating algorithms, Jono has been able to come up with the most absurd questions possible for any given Parshah. Wanna check it out? Click here
Rabbi Itche Kadoozy and his wacky neighbor Jonathan Weinsteinstein are proud to announce the launch of their brand new interactive weekly game show. Through the simple mis-use of complicated question generating algorithms, Jono has been able to come up with the most absurd questions possible for any given Parshah. Wanna check it out? Click here