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In Touch - New Video Blog

Life's perpetual hectic pace makes getting in touch so difficult. What should be so natural - being in touch with self, family and purpose - is often elusive. Multi-tasking, however, has an advantage too. Every one of these multiple tasks is a signpost, another lesson-waiting-to-be-uncovered, another compass showing you how to get back in touch. has just launched Chana Weisberg's new weekly video-blog, called "In Touch". In it, Chana unmasks some of these signposts. Maybe you can learn the technique too!

Click here to watch the new video-blog.

New section on Pirkei Avot

Pirkei Avot

Our section on Pirkei Avot, "Ethics of the Fathers," went live this past week. The confluence of ethics and religion is an intriguing topic—are the two inherently intertwined, or are they independent domains? Judaism has long maintained that one cannot thrive without the other. See below for links to this section, and discover for yourself why “If there is no Torah, there is no common decency; if there is no common decency, there is no Torah” (Ethics 3:17).

Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers

About Ethics of our Fathers

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

The Translated Text
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