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Your Jewish Birthday

It was the 25th of Adar 5748 (1988), some five weeks after the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. And it was her birthday. In a public address delivered that day, the Rebbe inaugurated a “Jewish Birthday Campaign,” suggesting guidelines for appropriate and spiritual birthday celebrations. In honor of the 20-year anniversary of this historic event, has rolled out a brand new birthday section.

Find out what’s so special about your birthday and how to “Jewishly” celebrate, print out a Jewish birthday certificate and schedule birthday e-mail reminders, or just browse through our birthday insights.

Click here to visit the Jewish Birthday site.

Click here to visit the Hebrew version.

Can This Marriage Be Saved?

Feeling lonely in your marriage? Constant fighting, arguing and bickering? Money problems keeping your apart? Or is jealousy ruining your intimacy?

Even the best of marriages experience times of trial, while some marriages seem doomed to constant ugly conflict.

With a roster of rotating marital therapists,'s new blog, "Can This Marriage Be Saved?" will help you gain the communication tools and relationship consciousness to successfully find and build committed, loving and connected relationships.

Click here to

Help! I've got kids...

Just about every career requires prior course training, and often some work-related experience.

Becoming a parent can be one of the most responsible positions we undertake, yet most of us do so unprepared and without any prior knowledge.

What makes your child tick? How can you learn to communicate better so your child will listen? Dealing with bedtime fights? Teaching gentleness? Arranging allowances and chores?

With a rotating roster of parenting and educational experts, these and more issues will be covered in's new hands-on parenting blog called "Help! I've got kids..."

Click here to
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