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Stick Figure Vignettes

We have launched a new animated series called “Stick Figure Vignettes.”

Here’s what the series’ creator Dovid Taub had to say about it: "Watch it. A lot. It’s funny. And weird. I’m actually not sure I completely get them myself, but I like watching stick figures react to things. Supposedly I’m teaching deep concepts of Jewish philosophy in a whimsical and ironic fashion. I hope that’s true.

"There’s gonna be one for each parshah, so this first one is about creation. Or a little stick dude on the subway. Either way, it’s like 45 seconds less time you spent doing whatever it is you would have been doing instead of watching cartoons on Oh, and it's for grown ups. Cuz sometimes there are long pauses and stuff that I put there for comedic timing purposes that adults would find funny but kids might just get up and walk away."

First Episode - The Creator
Second Episode - Words

Hakhel - Gather the Nation

Hakhel - Gather the Nation

is a celebration of Jewish unity. The holiday’s primary mitzvah, sitting in the sukkah, is fulfilled collectively by family and friends. The other mitzvah unique to Sukkot, taking the Four Kinds, symbolizes the intrinsic unity of the (externally) diverse segments of our nation.

This Sukkot, however, the focus on Jewish unity is further accentuated. This year is “Hakhel,” when in ancient times all the Jews -- men, women and children -- would assemble in the Holy Temple on Sukkot and listen as the Jewish king inspired the nation to fear G-d and observe His Mitzvot.

Contact your local Chabad center and find out where and when there will be a Sukkot Hakhel event in your area. Let us join together, let us rejoice together. As the Psalmist writes, “Behold, how beautiful and pleasant it is for brothers to sit together!”

Wishing you and yours an uplifting, joyous and unifying holiday.

Sukkot Event Directory

Sukkot Events
Looking for a place to celebrate Sukkot?

Find community Sukkot dinners, public sukkahs, celebrations and more.

From Alabama to Wisconsin, Abidjan to Zurich, join us and celebrate the holidays with friends!

Click here to find Sukkot events near you.

New Mini-Site - Jewish Recovery, in conjunction with Friendship House, has just launched a new mini-site - Jewish Recovery.

Spearheaded and run by Rabbi Yisrael Pinson of West Bloomfield, MI, this new section brings together the best of Chabad-Lubavitch's Shluchim who work in this growing and very important field, offering information, resources, inspiration and support for recovering addicts.

Click here to visit this new section.
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