
Community Bulletin

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Condolences, Funeral & Shiva Info - Nelkins

The Chabad community extends our sincere condolences to Carol & Stuart Nelkin and Family upon the untimely passing of  their dear mother and grandmother, Sarah (Sylvia) Bas Moishe Nelkin, A"H.

The funeral will be held, tomorrowThursday afternoon at 3pm at ADATH ISRAEL CEMETERY AT 4714 AIRLINE DR.. The levaya will pass Chabad Lubavitch Center & Torah Day School at 1:50pm. 

Shiva will be held at the Nelkin home (7702 Portal Drive) through Wednesday morning, Feb. 6.

Shiva Hours:
Friday: 10am-12pm
Sunday-Tuesday: 10am-12pm & 4-9pm 

Mincha & Maariv (Thurs. & Sun.-Tues.): 5:45pm  
Shacharis (Sunday): 8:00am
hacharis  (Fri. & Mon.-Wed.) 7:00am

IMPORTANT: To ensure a minyan is held at both places , please reserve spots in either the Shul or Shiva minyan to be posted on the Minyan Maker Board. 

May we only share good news.

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Make a contribution in her memory >

From Life to Life: Loss and Mourning in Jewish Tradition

Kolel Update - Sunday Morning Yeshiva!

Aside from enabling us to enhance our knowledge in Torah and its commandments, the Sunday Morning Yeshiva has many advantages to it.

During the week everyone is very busy and involved in their mundane lives. One does not have much of a chance to feed his soul and enhance his connection with G-d.

Sunday morning is a great time to do that.

The Sunday Morning Yeshiva is an all-encompassing program. Starting with Davening, followed by a delicious breakfast and finally diving into the deep and refreshing waters of Torah.

The Sunday Morning Yeshiva offers Shiurim in Talmud, Chassidus and practical Halocho.

If you want to have a Yeshiva experience it is never too late.

Click here to view photos from the Sunday Morning Yeshiva.

Sunday Morning Yeshiva - TOMORROW!

After our successful two

“Mornings of Learning”

The Collel is proud to announce our ongoing

Sunday Morning Yeshiva

this Sunday

28 Teves 5768

January 6, 2008


At Chabad Lubavitch Center


8:00                  Shacharis

9:00                  Delicious Breakfast

9:30-10:15    Shiur of your choice -

Gemoro/ Halocho

10:15-11:00  Shiur of your choice –

Practical Halocho /Chassidus

 Shiurim by Rabbi Betzalel Marinovsky
& Rabbi Yaacov Vidal

Or Chavrusos of your choice

For more info email Rabbi Vidal

Brand New Chassidus Shiur for Women!

The Colel is proud to announce the launch of a brand new weekly Shiur for women.

The first Shiur was this Wednesday night and it was very well attended.

Being the 24th day of the Hebrew month of Tevet – Hillula of the Alter Rebbe – Rabbi Vidal spoke about the main accomplishment of the Alter Rebbe – Bringing the secrets of Torah to a level of human comprehension.

This was the beginning of a weekly Women’s Shiur on Tanya in depth.

Thank you Mrs Masha Golding, for hosting the Shiur.

Click here for more info about this Shiur and other Shiurim of the Colel.

January 1st 2008 @ The Houston Collel!

After a large success on Tuesday December 25th, the Collel hosted another Learning Program for the Houston Jewish community.

"We fed our bodies and our souls" said one of the participants. Immediately after the Shacharis, everyone enjoyed a delicious hot breakfast. During breakfast, Rabbi Lazaroff adressed the crowd and thanked the sponsors of the breakfast.

Following benching, some attended the Shiur in Talmud by Rabbi Marinovsky, others attended a Shiur in Chassidut by Rabbi Vidal.

After a short coffee break, the second period began. Rabbi Marinovsky explained the concept of celebrating Shabbos according to Chassidut, while Rabbi Vidal taught some of the laws of the Shacharit prayer.

Some of the participants enjoyed learning with Chavrusas.

Thank you to the Doniger and Fishman families for sponsoring the delicious breakfast as well as Mr and Mrs Kronman, Mr Denn, Mr Tanenbaum, Mr Frydman for preparing such delicious foods.

May the merit of learning Torah bring much Brochos to all of us.

To see photos of this event click here.

Click here for a detailed program of our weekly Torah classes.


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