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Raichman L'chaim



Dear friends,


It is with much joy that we invite you to the lchaim of our son Arieh and his kallah Devorah Leah Zagury, this Sunday, September 30th, at our home: 8023 Duffield Lane (zip 77071) at 8:30 PM.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Raichman


Mazel Tov Lazaroffs!

The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazel Tov!" to:


Rabbi Shimon & Chiena Lazaroff, upon the birth of a baby boy to their son Zalmen & Miriam Lazaroff of Brooklyn, NY! 

May we only share in simchos!KEEP THOSE SIMCHOS COMING!!!!
 Pregnancy & Birth on
Make a contribution in their honor >

Mazel Tov Donigers!

The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazel Tov!" to:

Gabbai Avraham and Nehama Doniger upon the birth of a baby boy to their son Itamar & Tirza Doniger of Yeshuv Hashmonaim, Israel!

May we only share in simchos!  
 Pregnancy & Birth on
Make a contribution in their honor >


Mazel Tov Mandels!

The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazel Tov!" to:

Leible & Bluma Mandel upon the birth of a baby girl to their son Rabbi Dov & Chana Tova Mandel of Fort Worth, TX! 

May we only share in simchos!
 Pregnancy & Birth on
Make a contribution in their honor >

Mazel Tov Lax!

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:

Eli Lax and to Leah Lax, upon the engagement of their son Yosef (TDS ’95) to Sarelle Lasry of Monsey NY!

May we only share simchos!

Hosting for Rosh Hashana

A boy, who is here for medical treatment, needs a place to stay for Rosh Hashana. If you like to do this great mitzvah, please contact Rabbi Goldstein, [email protected]; 713-774-0300.

Click on "permalink" to see if this mitzvah has been filled yet.

Mazel Tov Fishmans & Gavins - Lchaim info

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:

Dr. Irv & Miriam Fishman & Brian & Dana Gavin upon the engagement of their children Chanie Fishman (TDS '00) to Daniel Gavin (TDS '99)!

The Fishman & Gavin families invite the community to a L’chaim at the home of the FIshmans, 11706 Woodknoll Lane on Thursday evening, 23 Elul (September 6) at 8:30 pm.

May we only share simchos!

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