Community Bulletin
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Chai Elul Kiddush & Farbrengen
This Shabbos, Parshas Ki Savo, there will be a kiddush and farbrengen in honor of Chai Elul at
"Chai Elul" (Hebrew for "the 18th of Elul," also meaning "the life of Elul") is celebrated by the Chassidic community as the birthday of the "two great luminaries" -- Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Chassidism; and Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad. Chassidim wish each other "Gut Yom Tov!" and conduct joyous gatherings called farbrengens.
Mazel Tov Raichmans!
The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:
Dr. Jorge & Deborah Raichman, upon the engagement of their son Aryeh (TDS ’98) to Devorah Leah Zagury of Belem, Brazil!
May we only share in simchos!
Randalls/Safeway Calendars
Once again, 325,000 calendars that Chabad edited, are now available at the checkout or newspaper stands at any Randalls or Safeway, Vons, Pavilions, Dominick's, Eastern, Genuardi's, Randalls, Tom Thumb, and Synagogues & congregations throughout CA, AZ, CO, DC, MD, NJ, NV, OR,PA, TX, VA and WA. Pick one up, and tell your friends to check out the pic and article of the Chabad of Uptown in the back cover!
Unveiling - Golding
The unveiling (Hakomas Hamatzeivah) for Faiga bas Yosef & Yosef ben Yisrael Golding, a”h will be held, this Sunday at 10:00 am at the Beth Jacob Cemetery off of TX-288 South, Almeda-Genoa Exit.

Expert Sofer to Check Mezuzos and Tefillin
Mazel Tov Pollacks!
The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazel Tov!" to:
Gedalya & Judy Pollack upon the birth of a baby boy to their daughter Naomi (TDS ’99) & Binyamin Mermelstein!
May we only share in simchos!
2007 Maccabi Games & The Western Wall
Jewish Athletes Come for Competition and Walk Away With Kotel Pictures
While this year's JCC Maccabi Games in Houston brought together Jewish athletes from all over the country, the Chabad-Lubavitch booth at “Hang-time” took them to Israel in front of a backdrop of the Kotel by letting the boys put of tefillin many of them for the first time, while girls got a “Friday light” kit to light Shabbat candles with a neat charm necklace for when they get home. A hands-on Living Legacy Torah Factory was also provided.