This shabbos is Daniel Gavin's ufruf at
The shabbos kallah for Chani Fishman will be held at Rabbi and Mrs. Lazaroff's home on shabbos afternoon at 5 p.m.
Please celebrate with us!
The Fishman & Gavin Families
This shabbos is Daniel Gavin's ufruf at
The shabbos kallah for Chani Fishman will be held at Rabbi and Mrs. Lazaroff's home on shabbos afternoon at 5 p.m.
Please celebrate with us!
The Fishman & Gavin Families
The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:
Dr. & Mrs. David & Bayla Cotlar, upon the engagement of their son Yisroel (TDS ’97) to Chanale Brafman of
May we only share simchos!
The Chabad community extends our sincere condolences George Kronman, upon the passing of his mother Itzik bas Yechiel, a"h.
The funeral will be held tomorrow in New Jersey. George will return on Sunday, and sit Shiva at his home, 7903 Albin Ln. Shiva times will be posted when available.
May we only share good news.
Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.
The Brit Milah and naming of our son
will take place, G-d willing,
Sunday, Oct. 14 1:30 PM
Chabad Lubavitch Center
10900 Fondren Houston, Texas 77096
(corner of Fondren and Portal)
Rabbi Dovid & Mrs. Elisa Goldstein
New Section Takes Inner Look at the Animal World
Noah's Ark, a new feature in our TDSHouston.org Kids Zone was unveiled this morning. This section explores the animal world providing fun and interesting facts with a Jewish angle.
Complete with photo slideshows, sound bites, video clips, fun facts and more, parents and teachers will love sharing this resource with their children and students. Children will love this new Jewish perspective on the animal world and will take pride in their rich heritage as they explore each specie.
This feature will also be promoted from our TDSHouston.org Kids Home Page.