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A personal message from the honorees

Dear Friends,

On Sunday evening, December 6, 2009 we will be privileged to be among the honorees at a very unique and elegant banquet in Houston, Texas dedicating the newly completed Chabad Lubavitch Center and celebrating thirty seven years of activity and growth of Chabad Lubavitch throughout Texas. The dinner will benefit the educational, religious and social service programs of this outstanding organization.

Whether it is educating children and adults, visiting the sick and elderly, counseling the troubled, or enlightening the disillusioned, Chabad untiringly helps people regardless of their religious affiliation to be more principled, more focused and thus more productive members of society. It is for this reason that we have placed Chabad’s Banquet Campaign very high in our order of priorities.

We hope that you will become an integral part of this special evening of philanthropy, humanitarianism and tribute by attending the dinner and by placing an ad or message of greeting in the beautiful Dinner Journal which is being published in honor of the occasion. Your participation would really mean a great deal to us as it would to so many people who are benefitted by Chabad’s activities.

Enclosed please find an ad blank to facilitate your involvement and support. A formal invitation will be forthcoming. As indicated, a Sponsor Page ad also covers two reservations to the Founder’s Dinner which promises to be a very memorable celebration.

We look forward to seeing you at the dinner and greatly appreciate your support.


Bayla & David Cotlar
Miram & Irving Fishman 
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